My Pastor, Jim Osman, seemed to think that it was a strange thing that I chose the 703 number for a contest. His response does not surprise me, I think he is a neat and tidy kind of guy and 703 is just kind of messy! So, why did I choose 703? Here are two reasons; First, the facebook numbers always seem to change, I can have 700 fans one minute and 698 the next so I simply don’t trust that there are 700 “Likers” until it reaches 703; Second, and most importantly, I just thought that 703 was more interesting than 700.
The contest is simple, I am going to give away a Senior Poster to one senior from each of the three High Schools that I photograph regularly, Sandpoint High School, Priest River High School and Newport High School. Below is a list of all of the seniors, in the comments section on the bottom of this post please vote for one senior from each school. Also, might I suggest at this point that perhaps some of those seniors might want to leave a comment and tell you why you should vote for them.
The answer to some expected FAQ’s: Yes, you can vote for yourself. Yes you can campaign for more votes, share the link on Facebook, Myspace, twitter or e-mail it and recruit your friends to vote for you, but also let them know that they MUST be a “Liker” on facebook to be eligible for the next part of the giveaway.
There is one more giveaway in this contest! If you are a “Liker” of Jason Duchow Photography on facebook and vote for at least one senior you will be entered into a drawing. The winner of that drawing will win their choice of the following: 1 custom poster of the athlete of your choice, any athlete from any sport*. 1 8×10 print from the Landscape galleries. or 1 $40 gift code redeemable on for prints from sporting events or from past or future custom portrait session.
Now, the list of athletes to choose from for your voting:

To close, I just want to once again thank all of you who have been so supportive of me and my work, I am very appreciative! Now go ahead and vote, remember you have to be a “Liker” on the facebook page to qualify for the drawing, if you are not yet a fan or “Liker” of the Jason Duchow Photography page visit it here and click the “Like” button at the top of the page.